Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday Monday!

Hi There!  Thank goodness that Monday is over and Friday is only a few days away!
My week is jammed packed full of stuff that has been pushed back due to snowdays.  What about you?  So, my sweet little second graders are tackling biographies about historical figures, timelines, and adding 4-digit numbers this week.

I am super excited about biographies and timelines.  They are creating their own timeline about their life to share with the class.  These are always so cute and the kids love talking about themselves!  What kid doesn't???  The bio projects will be done in comic life and will be a combination of typing and videoing themselves talking about their person.  I can't wait to see how these come out!

I am excited about out math as well.  This group of kids grasped addition and subtraction with and without regrouping so well.  I was very surprised and very proud!  I think they are going to do great with this concept as well!  We shall see.  Who knows...I may not have any hair left by Friday...hahaha

I hope that each of you have a fabulous week!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Center Materials Make You Crazy? Problem Solved!

For the past several years, I have racked my brain to figure out a way to store center materials for the kids to use without using plastic baggies.  I have thought about buying the plastic shoe boxes, but they are too big for little cards and are also too big to store.  

So, as I was making more center games this past week, it came to me, I could use the smaller sandwich type containers.  

Well, today I went to the local Dollar Tree and purchased about 20 containers in 2 different sizes.  I use a ton of centers for remediation purposes.  I am very excited to use these and get rid of those plastic baggies that eventually tear or look like they have been in the trash and then reused.  I will post pictures later this week of them in use!

Hope that each of you have a fabulous week!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Winter Wonderland

Hey there friends!
We are snowed in here at my house.  What about you?  We have between 8 and 10 inches of snow which is totally abnormal for us.  It has been 10 years since we have had a snow like this.  We will be having snow day #3 tomorrow.  My little guys have enjoyed the snow and being home and mommy and daddy!  I have also gotten a lot done.  I have planned, printed, laminated, and cut a ton of stuff!  But at least I have been productive!  Well, it is time to work a little more and watch for a more cartoons.  I am hoping to be able to go somewhere tomorrow.  The walls of my house are getting a little boring!  Here are a few pictures from around my yard.
Happy Valentine's!  Hope you have a fabulous day tomorrow!  If you snowed in like me, what do you plan to do for Valentines?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Happy Friday Eve!

Tonight, for first time ever, I recorded myself teaching a math lesson for kiddos tomorrow since I have a sub.  I think it is the coolest thing ever.  It took me about 30-45 minutes to perfect it, but it worth the work.  Now, I know that my kids will get a quality lesson and the sub doesn't have to do anything but click!

I am also gearing up to begin my 28th birthday celebration.  Tomorrow, the girls I work with are throwing me a little celebration.  On my team, we celebrate everyone's birthday with a luncheon.  It is seriously awesome to work with this group of ladies!  My sweet little family and I have a getaway planned for the weekend before the big day on Monday.  

Speaking of big days, my school will celebrate the 100th day tomorrow.  I have lots of fun activities planned out for the kids to take part in.  Just a couple to name a few are building with toothpicks and marshmallows and presenting their 100th day projects.  Oh and they are supposed to be dressing up like a 100 year old person.  I can't wait to see these little cuties all dressed up!  So, how did you celebrate the 100th day?

Here's to hoping everyone has a fabulous weekend!

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Jumping on the Blogging Train

Well...I have decided to jump on the blogging train!  I am going to start off by telling you a little about me.

I am a born and bred North Carolina girl.  I have lived on the same road all my life.  That will change one day, but not anytime soon! 

I am a mommy to 2 precious little boys.  They are 3 and 5 and are an absolute handful!  I would not take them any other way though!

I have been married for 8 years to my wonderful husband.  We are high school sweet hearts and have been a couple for almost 11 years.  We definitely complete each other.  God knew what he was doing when he put us together!

I graduated from a small college in 2008.  This is my 6th year teaching.  I taught 5th grade for 2 years and have been in 2nd ever since.  2nd grade was meant for me.  I work at a rather large school in a small community.  I also have the best teammies...hands down!

Just a few other things about me:
*the brighter the color, the is my fave
*my classroom is on chevron overload
*I love to talk and laugh
*I could own stock in Hobby Lobby
*I am creative and like love craft projects.
*If I could wear flip-flops year round...I would be in heaven!
*"Bless your heart" and "yall" are in most conversations

I am excited about blogging!  I hope you have enjoyed reading about me.

Monday, July 1, 2013

My First Post in Blogland

Hey There!  My name is Stacy!  This is my first post in Blogland!  I am a mommy, daughter, wife, and teacher.  I am enjoying summer with my little boys!